Secondary Uniform


Students are permitted to wear the following items:

  • Black trainers or shoes
  • Plain Black, Navy or Dark Grey trousers NO JEANS OR LEGGINGS OF ANY KIND
  • School Polo Shirt with logo
  • School Sweatshirt with logo


A reminder that the following are not permitted:

  • Hats, headscarves, balaclavas, durag’s (or any other headwear unless for religious reasons and accompanied by a letter from parents) face coverings (unless accompanied by a medical letter).  Students are expected to have naturally coloured hair.
  • False eyelashes, facial piercings and acrylic/false nails are not permitted. These items are potential Health and Safety risks and students will be asked to remove them / trim them before being allowed in to school.
  • Grills/ tooth gems


Refusal to comply will be dealt with a phone call home and a sanction.


Any students who do not attend in the correct school uniform will be sent home immediately or kept in internal exclusion for the day.


White Polo Shirt with logo


 Black Sweatshirt with logo



Uniform can only be purchased from the School Office or via Parentmail. If you would like to buy any uniform, please contact the office on 0207 504 0542 / 0207 504 0550. We do not offer 2nd hand uniform.

Please note we can only accept exact cash.


Primary Uniform

  • Black trainers or shoes
  • Plain Black, Navy or Dark Grey trousers NO JEANS OR LEGGINGS OF ANY KIND
  • Plain Black or Navy skirt 
  • School Polo Shirt with logo
  • School Sweatshirt with logo


White Polo Shirt with logo


Black Sweatshirt with logo



Uniform can only be purchased from the School Office or via Parentmail. If you would like to buy any uniform, please contact the office on 0207 504 0542 / 0207 504 0550. We do not offer 2nd hand uniform.

Please note we can only accept exact cash.